THC: Its Effects on Human Body

You may already recognize that THC is the active compound inside of cannabis that is responsible for getting you high – or "stoned". This small but mighty compound molecule, also known as Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, is the reason behind the euphoric intoxication. In this guide, we will provide you an in-depth analysis of how THC is metabolized and its effects on the human body. How does this really work? THC works by stepping in for the natural "good feeling" compounds your body naturally produces, known as endocannabinoids. These endocannabinoids are "messengers" that produce changes to the chemical signals cells trade with each other. Endocannabinoid affects many systems of the human body, but the highest concentration is in your central nervous system. Without the central nervous system, you wouldn't be able to feel any "high" from weed. THC rides the wave of your endocannabinoid system, directing the landing zones on cells that you...